Source code for kafka.conn

from __future__ import absolute_import

import collections
import copy
import errno
import logging
import io
from random import shuffle
import socket
import time
import traceback

from kafka.vendor import six

import kafka.errors as Errors
from kafka.future import Future
from kafka.metrics.stats import Avg, Count, Max, Rate
from kafka.protocol.api import RequestHeader
from kafka.protocol.admin import SaslHandShakeRequest
from kafka.protocol.commit import GroupCoordinatorResponse
from kafka.protocol.metadata import MetadataRequest
from kafka.protocol.types import Int32
from kafka.version import __version__

if six.PY2:
    ConnectionError = socket.error
    BlockingIOError = Exception

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


    import ssl
    ssl_available = True
        SSLWantReadError = ssl.SSLWantReadError
        SSLWantWriteError = ssl.SSLWantWriteError
        SSLZeroReturnError = ssl.SSLZeroReturnError
        # support older ssl libraries
        log.warning('Old SSL module detected.'
                    ' SSL error handling may not operate cleanly.'
                    ' Consider upgrading to Python 3.3 or 2.7.9')
        SSLWantReadError = ssl.SSLError
        SSLWantWriteError = ssl.SSLError
        SSLZeroReturnError = ssl.SSLError
except ImportError:
    # support Python without ssl libraries
    ssl_available = False
    class SSLWantReadError(Exception):
    class SSLWantWriteError(Exception):

[docs]class ConnectionStates(object): DISCONNECTING = '<disconnecting>' DISCONNECTED = '<disconnected>' CONNECTING = '<connecting>' HANDSHAKE = '<handshake>' CONNECTED = '<connected>' AUTHENTICATING = '<authenticating>'
InFlightRequest = collections.namedtuple('InFlightRequest', ['request', 'response_type', 'correlation_id', 'future', 'timestamp'])
[docs]class BrokerConnection(object): """Initialize a Kafka broker connection Keyword Arguments: client_id (str): a name for this client. This string is passed in each request to servers and can be used to identify specific server-side log entries that correspond to this client. Also submitted to GroupCoordinator for logging with respect to consumer group administration. Default: 'kafka-python-{version}' reconnect_backoff_ms (int): The amount of time in milliseconds to wait before attempting to reconnect to a given host. Default: 50. request_timeout_ms (int): Client request timeout in milliseconds. Default: 40000. max_in_flight_requests_per_connection (int): Requests are pipelined to kafka brokers up to this number of maximum requests per broker connection. Default: 5. receive_buffer_bytes (int): The size of the TCP receive buffer (SO_RCVBUF) to use when reading data. Default: None (relies on system defaults). Java client defaults to 32768. send_buffer_bytes (int): The size of the TCP send buffer (SO_SNDBUF) to use when sending data. Default: None (relies on system defaults). Java client defaults to 131072. socket_options (list): List of tuple-arguments to socket.setsockopt to apply to broker connection sockets. Default: [(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)] security_protocol (str): Protocol used to communicate with brokers. Valid values are: PLAINTEXT, SSL. Default: PLAINTEXT. ssl_context (ssl.SSLContext): pre-configured SSLContext for wrapping socket connections. If provided, all other ssl_* configurations will be ignored. Default: None. ssl_check_hostname (bool): flag to configure whether ssl handshake should verify that the certificate matches the brokers hostname. default: True. ssl_cafile (str): optional filename of ca file to use in certificate veriication. default: None. ssl_certfile (str): optional filename of file in pem format containing the client certificate, as well as any ca certificates needed to establish the certificate's authenticity. default: None. ssl_keyfile (str): optional filename containing the client private key. default: None. ssl_password (callable, str, bytes, bytearray): optional password or callable function that returns a password, for decrypting the client private key. Default: None. ssl_crlfile (str): optional filename containing the CRL to check for certificate expiration. By default, no CRL check is done. When providing a file, only the leaf certificate will be checked against this CRL. The CRL can only be checked with Python 3.4+ or 2.7.9+. default: None. api_version (tuple): Specify which Kafka API version to use. Accepted values are: (0, 8, 0), (0, 8, 1), (0, 8, 2), (0, 9), (0, 10). Default: (0, 8, 2) api_version_auto_timeout_ms (int): number of milliseconds to throw a timeout exception from the constructor when checking the broker api version. Only applies if api_version is None state_change_callback (callable): function to be called when the connection state changes from CONNECTING to CONNECTED etc. metrics (kafka.metrics.Metrics): Optionally provide a metrics instance for capturing network IO stats. Default: None. metric_group_prefix (str): Prefix for metric names. Default: '' sasl_mechanism (str): string picking sasl mechanism when security_protocol is SASL_PLAINTEXT or SASL_SSL. Currently only PLAIN is supported. Default: None sasl_plain_username (str): username for sasl PLAIN authentication. Default: None sasl_plain_password (str): password for sasl PLAIN authentication. Default: None """ DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'client_id': 'kafka-python-' + __version__, 'node_id': 0, 'request_timeout_ms': 40000, 'reconnect_backoff_ms': 50, 'max_in_flight_requests_per_connection': 5, 'receive_buffer_bytes': None, 'send_buffer_bytes': None, 'socket_options': [(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)], 'security_protocol': 'PLAINTEXT', 'ssl_context': None, 'ssl_check_hostname': True, 'ssl_cafile': None, 'ssl_certfile': None, 'ssl_keyfile': None, 'ssl_crlfile': None, 'ssl_password': None, 'api_version': (0, 8, 2), # default to most restrictive 'state_change_callback': lambda conn: True, 'metrics': None, 'metric_group_prefix': '', 'sasl_mechanism': 'PLAIN', 'sasl_plain_username': None, 'sasl_plain_password': None } SASL_MECHANISMS = ('PLAIN',) def __init__(self, host, port, afi, **configs): self.hostname = host = host self.port = port self.afi = afi self._init_host = host self._init_port = port self._init_afi = afi self.in_flight_requests = collections.deque() self.config = copy.copy(self.DEFAULT_CONFIG) for key in self.config: if key in configs: self.config[key] = configs[key] if self.config['receive_buffer_bytes'] is not None: self.config['socket_options'].append( (socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, self.config['receive_buffer_bytes'])) if self.config['send_buffer_bytes'] is not None: self.config['socket_options'].append( (socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_SNDBUF, self.config['send_buffer_bytes'])) if self.config['security_protocol'] in ('SSL', 'SASL_SSL'): assert ssl_available, "Python wasn't built with SSL support" if self.config['security_protocol'] in ('SASL_PLAINTEXT', 'SASL_SSL'): assert self.config['sasl_mechanism'] in self.SASL_MECHANISMS, ( 'sasl_mechanism must be in ' + ', '.join(self.SASL_MECHANISMS)) if self.config['sasl_mechanism'] == 'PLAIN': assert self.config['sasl_plain_username'] is not None, 'sasl_plain_username required for PLAIN sasl' assert self.config['sasl_plain_password'] is not None, 'sasl_plain_password required for PLAIN sasl' self.state = ConnectionStates.DISCONNECTED self._sock = None self._ssl_context = None if self.config['ssl_context'] is not None: self._ssl_context = self.config['ssl_context'] self._sasl_auth_future = None self._rbuffer = io.BytesIO() self._receiving = False self._next_payload_bytes = 0 self.last_attempt = 0 self._processing = False self._correlation_id = 0 self._gai = None self._gai_index = 0 self._sensors = None if self.config['metrics']: self._sensors = BrokerConnectionMetrics(self.config['metrics'], self.config['metric_group_prefix'], self.config['node_id'])
[docs] def connect(self): """Attempt to connect and return ConnectionState""" if self.state is ConnectionStates.DISCONNECTED: log.debug('%s: creating new socket', self) # if self.afi is set to AF_UNSPEC, then we need to do a name # resolution and try all available address families if self._init_afi == socket.AF_UNSPEC: if self._gai is None: # XXX: all DNS functions in Python are blocking. If we really # want to be non-blocking here, we need to use a 3rd-party # library like python-adns, or move resolution onto its # own thread. This will be subject to the default libc # name resolution timeout (5s on most Linux boxes) try: self._gai = socket.getaddrinfo(self._init_host, self._init_port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM) except socket.gaierror as ex: raise socket.gaierror('getaddrinfo failed for {0}:{1}, ' 'exception was {2}. Is your advertised.listeners (called' ' before Kafka 9) correct and resolvable?'.format( self._init_host, self._init_port, ex )) self._gai_index = 0 else: # if self._gai already exists, then we should try the next # name self._gai_index += 1 while True: if self._gai_index >= len(self._gai): error = 'Unable to connect to any of the names for {0}:{1}'.format( self._init_host, self._init_port) log.error(error) self.close(Errors.ConnectionError(error)) return afi, _, __, ___, sockaddr = self._gai[self._gai_index] if afi not in (socket.AF_INET, socket.AF_INET6): self._gai_index += 1 continue break, self.port = sockaddr[:2] self._sock = socket.socket(afi, socket.SOCK_STREAM) else: self._sock = socket.socket(self._init_afi, socket.SOCK_STREAM) for option in self.config['socket_options']: log.debug('%s: setting socket option %s', self, option) self._sock.setsockopt(*option) self._sock.setblocking(False) if self.config['security_protocol'] in ('SSL', 'SASL_SSL'): self._wrap_ssl()'%s: connecting to %s:%d', self,, self.port) self.state = ConnectionStates.CONNECTING self.last_attempt = time.time() self.config['state_change_callback'](self) if self.state is ConnectionStates.CONNECTING: # in non-blocking mode, use repeated calls to socket.connect_ex # to check connection status request_timeout = self.config['request_timeout_ms'] / 1000.0 ret = None try: ret = self._sock.connect_ex((, self.port)) # if we got here through a host lookup, we've found a host,port,af tuple # that works save it so we don't do a GAI lookup again if self._gai is not None: self.afi = self._gai = None except socket.error as err: ret = err.errno # Connection succeeded if not ret or ret == errno.EISCONN: log.debug('%s: established TCP connection', self) if self.config['security_protocol'] in ('SSL', 'SASL_SSL'): log.debug('%s: initiating SSL handshake', self) self.state = ConnectionStates.HANDSHAKE elif self.config['security_protocol'] == 'SASL_PLAINTEXT': log.debug('%s: initiating SASL authentication', self) self.state = ConnectionStates.AUTHENTICATING else: log.debug('%s: Connection complete.', self) self.state = ConnectionStates.CONNECTED self.config['state_change_callback'](self) # Connection failed # WSAEINVAL == 10022, but errno.WSAEINVAL is not available on non-win systems elif ret not in (errno.EINPROGRESS, errno.EALREADY, errno.EWOULDBLOCK, 10022): log.error('Connect attempt to %s returned error %s.' ' Disconnecting.', self, ret) self.close(Errors.ConnectionError(ret)) # Connection timed out elif time.time() > request_timeout + self.last_attempt: log.error('Connection attempt to %s timed out', self) self.close(Errors.ConnectionError('timeout')) # Needs retry else: pass if self.state is ConnectionStates.HANDSHAKE: if self._try_handshake(): log.debug('%s: completed SSL handshake.', self) if self.config['security_protocol'] == 'SASL_SSL': log.debug('%s: initiating SASL authentication', self) self.state = ConnectionStates.AUTHENTICATING else: log.debug('%s: Connection complete.', self) self.state = ConnectionStates.CONNECTED self.config['state_change_callback'](self) if self.state is ConnectionStates.AUTHENTICATING: assert self.config['security_protocol'] in ('SASL_PLAINTEXT', 'SASL_SSL') if self._try_authenticate():'%s: Authenticated as %s', self, self.config['sasl_plain_username']) log.debug('%s: Connection complete.', self) self.state = ConnectionStates.CONNECTED self.config['state_change_callback'](self) return self.state
def _wrap_ssl(self): assert self.config['security_protocol'] in ('SSL', 'SASL_SSL') if self._ssl_context is None: log.debug('%s: configuring default SSL Context', self) self._ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) # pylint: disable=no-member self._ssl_context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2 # pylint: disable=no-member self._ssl_context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3 # pylint: disable=no-member self._ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL if self.config['ssl_check_hostname']: self._ssl_context.check_hostname = True if self.config['ssl_cafile']:'%s: Loading SSL CA from %s', self, self.config['ssl_cafile']) self._ssl_context.load_verify_locations(self.config['ssl_cafile']) self._ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if self.config['ssl_certfile'] and self.config['ssl_keyfile']:'%s: Loading SSL Cert from %s', self, self.config['ssl_certfile'])'%s: Loading SSL Key from %s', self, self.config['ssl_keyfile']) self._ssl_context.load_cert_chain( certfile=self.config['ssl_certfile'], keyfile=self.config['ssl_keyfile'], password=self.config['ssl_password']) if self.config['ssl_crlfile']: if not hasattr(ssl, 'VERIFY_CRL_CHECK_LEAF'): error = 'No CRL support with this version of Python.' log.error('%s: %s Disconnecting.', self, error) self.close(Errors.ConnectionError(error)) return'%s: Loading SSL CRL from %s', self, self.config['ssl_crlfile']) self._ssl_context.load_verify_locations(self.config['ssl_crlfile']) # pylint: disable=no-member self._ssl_context.verify_flags |= ssl.VERIFY_CRL_CHECK_LEAF log.debug('%s: wrapping socket in ssl context', self) try: self._sock = self._ssl_context.wrap_socket( self._sock, server_hostname=self.hostname, do_handshake_on_connect=False) except ssl.SSLError as e: log.exception('%s: Failed to wrap socket in SSLContext!', self) self.close(e) def _try_handshake(self): assert self.config['security_protocol'] in ('SSL', 'SASL_SSL') try: self._sock.do_handshake() return True # old ssl in python2.6 will swallow all SSLErrors here... except (SSLWantReadError, SSLWantWriteError): pass except (SSLZeroReturnError, ConnectionError): log.warning('SSL connection closed by server during handshake.') self.close(Errors.ConnectionError('SSL connection closed by server during handshake')) # Other SSLErrors will be raised to user return False def _try_authenticate(self): assert self.config['api_version'] is None or self.config['api_version'] >= (0, 10) if self._sasl_auth_future is None: # Build a SaslHandShakeRequest message request = SaslHandShakeRequest[0](self.config['sasl_mechanism']) future = Future() sasl_response = self._send(request) sasl_response.add_callback(self._handle_sasl_handshake_response, future) sasl_response.add_errback(lambda f, e: f.failure(e), future) self._sasl_auth_future = future self._recv() if self._sasl_auth_future.failed(): raise self._sasl_auth_future.exception # pylint: disable-msg=raising-bad-type return self._sasl_auth_future.succeeded() def _handle_sasl_handshake_response(self, future, response): error_type = Errors.for_code(response.error_code) if error_type is not Errors.NoError: error = error_type(self) self.close(error=error) return future.failure(error_type(self)) if self.config['sasl_mechanism'] == 'PLAIN': return self._try_authenticate_plain(future) else: return future.failure( Errors.UnsupportedSaslMechanismError( 'kafka-python does not support SASL mechanism %s' % self.config['sasl_mechanism'])) def _try_authenticate_plain(self, future): if self.config['security_protocol'] == 'SASL_PLAINTEXT': log.warning('%s: Sending username and password in the clear', self) data = b'' try: self._sock.setblocking(True) # Send PLAIN credentials per RFC-4616 msg = bytes('\0'.join([self.config['sasl_plain_username'], self.config['sasl_plain_username'], self.config['sasl_plain_password']]).encode('utf-8')) size = Int32.encode(len(msg)) self._sock.sendall(size + msg) # The server will send a zero sized message (that is Int32(0)) on success. # The connection is closed on failure while len(data) < 4: fragment = self._sock.recv(4 - len(data)) if not fragment: log.error('%s: Authentication failed for user %s', self, self.config['sasl_plain_username']) error = Errors.AuthenticationFailedError( 'Authentication failed for user {0}'.format( self.config['sasl_plain_username'])) future.failure(error) raise error data += fragment self._sock.setblocking(False) except (AssertionError, ConnectionError) as e: log.exception("%s: Error receiving reply from server", self) error = Errors.ConnectionError("%s: %s" % (self, e)) future.failure(error) self.close(error=error) if data != b'\x00\x00\x00\x00': return future.failure(Errors.AuthenticationFailedError()) return future.success(True)
[docs] def blacked_out(self): """ Return true if we are disconnected from the given node and can't re-establish a connection yet """ if self.state is ConnectionStates.DISCONNECTED: backoff = self.config['reconnect_backoff_ms'] / 1000.0 if time.time() < self.last_attempt + backoff: return True return False
[docs] def connected(self): """Return True iff socket is connected.""" return self.state is ConnectionStates.CONNECTED
[docs] def connecting(self): """Returns True if still connecting (this may encompass several different states, such as SSL handshake, authorization, etc).""" return self.state in (ConnectionStates.CONNECTING, ConnectionStates.HANDSHAKE, ConnectionStates.AUTHENTICATING)
[docs] def disconnected(self): """Return True iff socket is closed""" return self.state is ConnectionStates.DISCONNECTED
[docs] def close(self, error=None): """Close socket and fail all in-flight-requests. Arguments: error (Exception, optional): pending in-flight-requests will be failed with this exception. Default: kafka.errors.ConnectionError. """ if self.state is ConnectionStates.DISCONNECTED: if error is not None: log.warning('%s: close() called on disconnected connection with error: %s', self, error) traceback.print_stack() return'%s: Closing connection. %s', self, error or '') self.state = ConnectionStates.DISCONNECTING self.config['state_change_callback'](self) if self._sock: self._sock.close() self._sock = None self.state = ConnectionStates.DISCONNECTED self.last_attempt = time.time() self._sasl_auth_future = None self._receiving = False self._next_payload_bytes = 0 self._rbuffer.truncate() if error is None: error = Errors.Cancelled(str(self)) while self.in_flight_requests: ifr = self.in_flight_requests.popleft() ifr.future.failure(error) self.config['state_change_callback'](self)
[docs] def send(self, request): """send request, return Future() Can block on network if request is larger than send_buffer_bytes """ future = Future() if self.connecting(): return future.failure(Errors.NodeNotReadyError(str(self))) elif not self.connected(): return future.failure(Errors.ConnectionError(str(self))) elif not self.can_send_more(): return future.failure(Errors.TooManyInFlightRequests(str(self))) return self._send(request)
def _send(self, request): assert self.state in (ConnectionStates.AUTHENTICATING, ConnectionStates.CONNECTED) future = Future() correlation_id = self._next_correlation_id() header = RequestHeader(request, correlation_id=correlation_id, client_id=self.config['client_id']) message = b''.join([header.encode(), request.encode()]) size = Int32.encode(len(message)) data = size + message try: # In the future we might manage an internal write buffer # and send bytes asynchronously. For now, just block # sending each request payload self._sock.setblocking(True) total_sent = 0 while total_sent < len(data): sent_bytes = self._sock.send(data[total_sent:]) total_sent += sent_bytes assert total_sent == len(data) if self._sensors: self._sensors.bytes_sent.record(total_sent) self._sock.setblocking(False) except (AssertionError, ConnectionError) as e: log.exception("Error sending %s to %s", request, self) error = Errors.ConnectionError("%s: %s" % (self, e)) self.close(error=error) return future.failure(error) log.debug('%s Request %d: %s', self, correlation_id, request) if request.expect_response(): ifr = InFlightRequest(request=request, correlation_id=correlation_id, response_type=request.RESPONSE_TYPE, future=future, timestamp=time.time()) self.in_flight_requests.append(ifr) else: future.success(None) return future
[docs] def can_send_more(self): """Return True unless there are max_in_flight_requests_per_connection.""" max_ifrs = self.config['max_in_flight_requests_per_connection'] return len(self.in_flight_requests) < max_ifrs
[docs] def recv(self): """Non-blocking network receive. Return response if available """ assert not self._processing, 'Recursion not supported' if not self.connected() and not self.state is ConnectionStates.AUTHENTICATING: log.warning('%s cannot recv: socket not connected', self) # If requests are pending, we should close the socket and # fail all the pending request futures if self.in_flight_requests: self.close(Errors.ConnectionError('Socket not connected during recv with in-flight-requests')) return None elif not self.in_flight_requests: log.warning('%s: No in-flight-requests to recv', self) return None response = self._recv() if not response and self.requests_timed_out(): log.warning('%s timed out after %s ms. Closing connection.', self, self.config['request_timeout_ms']) self.close(error=Errors.RequestTimedOutError( 'Request timed out after %s ms' % self.config['request_timeout_ms'])) return None return response
def _recv(self): # Not receiving is the state of reading the payload header if not self._receiving: try: bytes_to_read = 4 - self._rbuffer.tell() data = self._sock.recv(bytes_to_read) # We expect socket.recv to raise an exception if there is not # enough data to read the full bytes_to_read # but if the socket is disconnected, we will get empty data # without an exception raised if not data: log.error('%s: socket disconnected', self) self.close(error=Errors.ConnectionError('socket disconnected')) return None self._rbuffer.write(data) except SSLWantReadError: return None except ConnectionError as e: if six.PY2 and e.errno == errno.EWOULDBLOCK: return None log.exception('%s: Error receiving 4-byte payload header -' ' closing socket', self) self.close(error=Errors.ConnectionError(e)) return None except BlockingIOError: if six.PY3: return None raise if self._rbuffer.tell() == 4: self._next_payload_bytes = Int32.decode(self._rbuffer) # reset buffer and switch state to receiving payload bytes self._rbuffer.truncate() self._receiving = True elif self._rbuffer.tell() > 4: raise Errors.KafkaError('this should not happen - are you threading?') if self._receiving: staged_bytes = self._rbuffer.tell() try: bytes_to_read = self._next_payload_bytes - staged_bytes data = self._sock.recv(bytes_to_read) # We expect socket.recv to raise an exception if there is not # enough data to read the full bytes_to_read # but if the socket is disconnected, we will get empty data # without an exception raised if bytes_to_read and not data: log.error('%s: socket disconnected', self) self.close(error=Errors.ConnectionError('socket disconnected')) return None self._rbuffer.write(data) except SSLWantReadError: return None except ConnectionError as e: # Extremely small chance that we have exactly 4 bytes for a # header, but nothing to read in the body yet if six.PY2 and e.errno == errno.EWOULDBLOCK: return None log.exception('%s: Error in recv', self) self.close(error=Errors.ConnectionError(e)) return None except BlockingIOError: if six.PY3: return None raise staged_bytes = self._rbuffer.tell() if staged_bytes > self._next_payload_bytes: self.close(error=Errors.KafkaError('Receive buffer has more bytes than expected?')) if staged_bytes != self._next_payload_bytes: return None self._receiving = False self._next_payload_bytes = 0 if self._sensors: self._sensors.bytes_received.record(4 + self._rbuffer.tell()) response = self._process_response(self._rbuffer) self._rbuffer.truncate() return response def _process_response(self, read_buffer): assert not self._processing, 'Recursion not supported' self._processing = True ifr = self.in_flight_requests.popleft() if self._sensors: self._sensors.request_time.record((time.time() - ifr.timestamp) * 1000) # verify send/recv correlation ids match recv_correlation_id = Int32.decode(read_buffer) # 0.8.2 quirk if (self.config['api_version'] == (0, 8, 2) and ifr.response_type is GroupCoordinatorResponse[0] and ifr.correlation_id != 0 and recv_correlation_id == 0): log.warning('Kafka 0.8.2 quirk -- GroupCoordinatorResponse' ' Correlation ID does not match request. This' ' should go away once at least one topic has been' ' initialized on the broker.') elif ifr.correlation_id != recv_correlation_id: error = Errors.CorrelationIdError( '%s: Correlation IDs do not match: sent %d, recv %d' % (self, ifr.correlation_id, recv_correlation_id)) ifr.future.failure(error) self.close(error) self._processing = False return None # decode response try: response = ifr.response_type.decode(read_buffer) except ValueError: buf = log.error('%s Response %d [ResponseType: %s Request: %s]:' ' Unable to decode %d-byte buffer: %r', self, ifr.correlation_id, ifr.response_type, ifr.request, len(buf), buf) error = Errors.UnknownError('Unable to decode response') ifr.future.failure(error) self.close(error) self._processing = False return None log.debug('%s Response %d: %s', self, ifr.correlation_id, response) ifr.future.success(response) self._processing = False return response
[docs] def requests_timed_out(self): if self.in_flight_requests: oldest_at = self.in_flight_requests[0].timestamp timeout = self.config['request_timeout_ms'] / 1000.0 if time.time() >= oldest_at + timeout: return True return False
def _next_correlation_id(self): self._correlation_id = (self._correlation_id + 1) % 2**31 return self._correlation_id def _check_api_version_response(self, response): # The logic here is to check the list of supported request versions # in descending order. As soon as we find one that works, return it test_cases = [ # format (<broker verion>, <needed struct>) ((0, 10, 1), MetadataRequest[2]) ] error_type = Errors.for_code(response.error_code) assert error_type is Errors.NoError, "API version check failed" max_versions = dict([ (api_key, max_version) for api_key, _, max_version in response.api_versions ]) # Get the best match of test cases for broker_version, struct in sorted(test_cases, reverse=True): if max_versions.get(struct.API_KEY, -1) >= struct.API_VERSION: return broker_version # We know that ApiVersionResponse is only supported in 0.10+ # so if all else fails, choose that return (0, 10, 0)
[docs] def check_version(self, timeout=2, strict=False): """Attempt to guess the broker version. Note: This is a blocking call. Returns: version tuple, i.e. (0, 10), (0, 9), (0, 8, 2), ... """ # Monkeypatch some connection configurations to avoid timeouts override_config = { 'request_timeout_ms': timeout * 1000, 'max_in_flight_requests_per_connection': 5 } stashed = {} for key in override_config: stashed[key] = self.config[key] self.config[key] = override_config[key] # kafka kills the connection when it doesn't recognize an API request # so we can send a test request and then follow immediately with a # vanilla MetadataRequest. If the server did not recognize the first # request, both will be failed with a ConnectionError that wraps # socket.error (32, 54, or 104) from .protocol.admin import ApiVersionRequest, ListGroupsRequest from .protocol.commit import OffsetFetchRequest, GroupCoordinatorRequest # Socket errors are logged as exceptions and can alarm users. Mute them from logging import Filter class ConnFilter(Filter): def filter(self, record): if record.funcName == 'check_version': return True return False log_filter = ConnFilter() log.addFilter(log_filter) test_cases = [ # All cases starting from 0.10 will be based on ApiVersionResponse ((0, 10), ApiVersionRequest[0]()), ((0, 9), ListGroupsRequest[0]()), ((0, 8, 2), GroupCoordinatorRequest[0]('kafka-python-default-group')), ((0, 8, 1), OffsetFetchRequest[0]('kafka-python-default-group', [])), ((0, 8, 0), MetadataRequest[0]([])), ] def connect(): self.connect() if self.connected(): return timeout_at = time.time() + timeout while time.time() < timeout_at and self.connecting(): if self.connect() is ConnectionStates.CONNECTED: return time.sleep(0.05) raise Errors.NodeNotReadyError() for version, request in test_cases: connect() f = self.send(request) # HACK: sleeping to wait for socket to send bytes time.sleep(0.1) # when broker receives an unrecognized request API # it abruptly closes our socket. # so we attempt to send a second request immediately # that we believe it will definitely recognize (metadata) # the attempt to write to a disconnected socket should # immediately fail and allow us to infer that the prior # request was unrecognized mr = self.send(MetadataRequest[0]([])) if self._sock: self._sock.setblocking(True) while not (f.is_done and mr.is_done): self.recv() if self._sock: self._sock.setblocking(False) if f.succeeded(): if isinstance(request, ApiVersionRequest[0]): # Starting from 0.10 kafka broker we determine version # by looking at ApiVersionResponse version = self._check_api_version_response(f.value)'Broker version identifed as %s', '.'.join(map(str, version)))'Set configuration api_version=%s to skip auto' ' check_version requests on startup', version) break # Only enable strict checking to verify that we understand failure # modes. For most users, the fact that the request failed should be # enough to rule out a particular broker version. if strict: # If the socket flush hack did not work (which should force the # connection to close and fail all pending requests), then we # get a basic Request Timeout. This is not ideal, but we'll deal if isinstance(f.exception, Errors.RequestTimedOutError): pass # 0.9 brokers do not close the socket on unrecognized api # requests (bug...). In this case we expect to see a correlation # id mismatch elif (isinstance(f.exception, Errors.CorrelationIdError) and version == (0, 10)): pass elif six.PY2: assert isinstance(f.exception.args[0], socket.error) assert f.exception.args[0].errno in (32, 54, 104) else: assert isinstance(f.exception.args[0], ConnectionError)"Broker is not v%s -- it did not recognize %s", version, request.__class__.__name__) else: raise Errors.UnrecognizedBrokerVersion() log.removeFilter(log_filter) for key in stashed: self.config[key] = stashed[key] return version
def __repr__(self): return "<BrokerConnection node_id=%s host=%s/%s port=%d>" % ( self.config['node_id'], self.hostname,, self.port)
[docs]class BrokerConnectionMetrics(object): def __init__(self, metrics, metric_group_prefix, node_id): self.metrics = metrics # Any broker may have registered summary metrics already # but if not, we need to create them so we can set as parents below all_conns_transferred = metrics.get_sensor('bytes-sent-received') if not all_conns_transferred: metric_group_name = metric_group_prefix + '-metrics' bytes_transferred = metrics.sensor('bytes-sent-received') bytes_transferred.add(metrics.metric_name( 'network-io-rate', metric_group_name, 'The average number of network operations (reads or writes) on all' ' connections per second.'), Rate(sampled_stat=Count())) bytes_sent = metrics.sensor('bytes-sent', parents=[bytes_transferred]) bytes_sent.add(metrics.metric_name( 'outgoing-byte-rate', metric_group_name, 'The average number of outgoing bytes sent per second to all' ' servers.'), Rate()) bytes_sent.add(metrics.metric_name( 'request-rate', metric_group_name, 'The average number of requests sent per second.'), Rate(sampled_stat=Count())) bytes_sent.add(metrics.metric_name( 'request-size-avg', metric_group_name, 'The average size of all requests in the window.'), Avg()) bytes_sent.add(metrics.metric_name( 'request-size-max', metric_group_name, 'The maximum size of any request sent in the window.'), Max()) bytes_received = metrics.sensor('bytes-received', parents=[bytes_transferred]) bytes_received.add(metrics.metric_name( 'incoming-byte-rate', metric_group_name, 'Bytes/second read off all sockets'), Rate()) bytes_received.add(metrics.metric_name( 'response-rate', metric_group_name, 'Responses received sent per second.'), Rate(sampled_stat=Count())) request_latency = metrics.sensor('request-latency') request_latency.add(metrics.metric_name( 'request-latency-avg', metric_group_name, 'The average request latency in ms.'), Avg()) request_latency.add(metrics.metric_name( 'request-latency-max', metric_group_name, 'The maximum request latency in ms.'), Max()) # if one sensor of the metrics has been registered for the connection, # then all other sensors should have been registered; and vice versa node_str = 'node-{0}'.format(node_id) node_sensor = metrics.get_sensor(node_str + '.bytes-sent') if not node_sensor: metric_group_name = metric_group_prefix + '-node-metrics.' + node_str bytes_sent = metrics.sensor( node_str + '.bytes-sent', parents=[metrics.get_sensor('bytes-sent')]) bytes_sent.add(metrics.metric_name( 'outgoing-byte-rate', metric_group_name, 'The average number of outgoing bytes sent per second.'), Rate()) bytes_sent.add(metrics.metric_name( 'request-rate', metric_group_name, 'The average number of requests sent per second.'), Rate(sampled_stat=Count())) bytes_sent.add(metrics.metric_name( 'request-size-avg', metric_group_name, 'The average size of all requests in the window.'), Avg()) bytes_sent.add(metrics.metric_name( 'request-size-max', metric_group_name, 'The maximum size of any request sent in the window.'), Max()) bytes_received = metrics.sensor( node_str + '.bytes-received', parents=[metrics.get_sensor('bytes-received')]) bytes_received.add(metrics.metric_name( 'incoming-byte-rate', metric_group_name, 'Bytes/second read off node-connection socket'), Rate()) bytes_received.add(metrics.metric_name( 'response-rate', metric_group_name, 'The average number of responses received per second.'), Rate(sampled_stat=Count())) request_time = metrics.sensor( node_str + '.latency', parents=[metrics.get_sensor('request-latency')]) request_time.add(metrics.metric_name( 'request-latency-avg', metric_group_name, 'The average request latency in ms.'), Avg()) request_time.add(metrics.metric_name( 'request-latency-max', metric_group_name, 'The maximum request latency in ms.'), Max()) self.bytes_sent = metrics.sensor(node_str + '.bytes-sent') self.bytes_received = metrics.sensor(node_str + '.bytes-received') self.request_time = metrics.sensor(node_str + '.latency')
def _address_family(address): """ Attempt to determine the family of an address (or hostname) :return: either socket.AF_INET or socket.AF_INET6 or socket.AF_UNSPEC if the address family could not be determined """ if address.startswith('[') and address.endswith(']'): return socket.AF_INET6 for af in (socket.AF_INET, socket.AF_INET6): try: socket.inet_pton(af, address) return af except (ValueError, AttributeError, socket.error): continue return socket.AF_UNSPEC
[docs]def get_ip_port_afi(host_and_port_str): """ Parse the IP and port from a string in the format of: * host_or_ip <- Can be either IPv4 address literal or hostname/fqdn * host_or_ipv4:port <- Can be either IPv4 address literal or hostname/fqdn * [host_or_ip] <- IPv6 address literal * [host_or_ip]:port. <- IPv6 address literal .. note:: IPv6 address literals with ports *must* be enclosed in brackets .. note:: If the port is not specified, default will be returned. :return: tuple (host, port, afi), afi will be socket.AF_INET or socket.AF_INET6 or socket.AF_UNSPEC """ host_and_port_str = host_and_port_str.strip() if host_and_port_str.startswith('['): af = socket.AF_INET6 host, rest = host_and_port_str[1:].split(']') if rest: port = int(rest[1:]) else: port = DEFAULT_KAFKA_PORT return host, port, af else: if ':' not in host_and_port_str: af = _address_family(host_and_port_str) return host_and_port_str, DEFAULT_KAFKA_PORT, af else: # now we have something with a colon in it and no square brackets. It could be # either an IPv6 address literal (e.g., "::1") or an IP:port pair or a host:port pair try: # if it decodes as an IPv6 address, use that socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, host_and_port_str) return host_and_port_str, DEFAULT_KAFKA_PORT, socket.AF_INET6 except AttributeError: log.warning('socket.inet_pton not available on this platform.' ' consider `pip install win_inet_pton`') pass except (ValueError, socket.error): # it's a host:port pair pass host, port = host_and_port_str.rsplit(':', 1) port = int(port) af = _address_family(host) return host, port, af
[docs]def collect_hosts(hosts, randomize=True): """ Collects a comma-separated set of hosts (host:port) and optionally randomize the returned list. """ if isinstance(hosts, six.string_types): hosts = hosts.strip().split(',') result = [] afi = socket.AF_INET for host_port in hosts: host, port, afi = get_ip_port_afi(host_port) if port < 0: port = DEFAULT_KAFKA_PORT result.append((host, port, afi)) if randomize: shuffle(result) return result