
https://coveralls.io/repos/dpkp/kafka-python/badge.svg?branch=master&service=github https://travis-ci.org/dpkp/kafka-python.svg?branch=master

Test environments are managed via tox. The test suite is run via pytest. Individual tests are written using unittest, pytest, and in some cases, doctest.

Linting is run via pylint, but is generally skipped on pypy due to pylint compatibility / performance issues.

For test coverage details, see https://coveralls.io/github/dpkp/kafka-python

The test suite includes unit tests that mock network interfaces, as well as integration tests that setup and teardown kafka broker (and zookeeper) fixtures for client / consumer / producer testing.

Unit tests

To run the tests locally, install tox – pip install tox See https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html

Then simply run tox, optionally setting the python environment. If unset, tox will loop through all environments.

tox -e py27
tox -e py35

# run protocol tests only
tox -- -v test.test_protocol

# re-run the last failing test, dropping into pdb
tox -e py27 -- --lf --pdb

# see available (pytest) options
tox -e py27 -- --help

Integration tests

KAFKA_VERSION= tox -e py27
KAFKA_VERSION= tox -e py35

Integration tests start Kafka and Zookeeper fixtures. This requires downloading kafka server binaries:


By default, this will install,,, and brokers into the servers/ directory. To install a specific version,

e.g., set KAFKA_VERSION=
KAFKA_VERSION= ./build_integration.sh

Then run the tests against supported Kafka versions, simply set the KAFKA_VERSION env variable to the server build you want to use for testing:

KAFKA_VERSION= tox -e py27

To test against the kafka source tree, set KAFKA_VERSION=trunk [optionally set SCALA_VERSION (defaults to 2.10)]

SCALA_VERSION=2.11 KAFKA_VERSION=trunk ./build_integration.sh
KAFKA_VERSION=trunk tox -e py35