Source code for kafka.coordinator.base

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import abc
import copy
import logging
import time
import weakref

from kafka.vendor import six

from .heartbeat import Heartbeat
from .. import errors as Errors
from ..future import Future
from ..metrics import AnonMeasurable
from ..metrics.stats import Avg, Count, Max, Rate
from ..protocol.commit import GroupCoordinatorRequest, OffsetCommitRequest
from import (HeartbeatRequest, JoinGroupRequest,
                                  LeaveGroupRequest, SyncGroupRequest)

log = logging.getLogger('kafka.coordinator')

[docs]class BaseCoordinator(object): """ BaseCoordinator implements group management for a single group member by interacting with a designated Kafka broker (the coordinator). Group semantics are provided by extending this class. See ConsumerCoordinator for example usage. From a high level, Kafka's group management protocol consists of the following sequence of actions: 1. Group Registration: Group members register with the coordinator providing their own metadata (such as the set of topics they are interested in). 2. Group/Leader Selection: The coordinator select the members of the group and chooses one member as the leader. 3. State Assignment: The leader collects the metadata from all the members of the group and assigns state. 4. Group Stabilization: Each member receives the state assigned by the leader and begins processing. To leverage this protocol, an implementation must define the format of metadata provided by each member for group registration in group_protocols() and the format of the state assignment provided by the leader in _perform_assignment() and which becomes available to members in _on_join_complete(). """ DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'group_id': 'kafka-python-default-group', 'session_timeout_ms': 30000, 'heartbeat_interval_ms': 3000, 'retry_backoff_ms': 100, 'api_version': (0, 9), 'metric_group_prefix': '', } def __init__(self, client, metrics, **configs): """ Keyword Arguments: group_id (str): name of the consumer group to join for dynamic partition assignment (if enabled), and to use for fetching and committing offsets. Default: 'kafka-python-default-group' session_timeout_ms (int): The timeout used to detect failures when using Kafka's group managementment facilities. Default: 30000 heartbeat_interval_ms (int): The expected time in milliseconds between heartbeats to the consumer coordinator when using Kafka's group management feature. Heartbeats are used to ensure that the consumer's session stays active and to facilitate rebalancing when new consumers join or leave the group. The value must be set lower than session_timeout_ms, but typically should be set no higher than 1/3 of that value. It can be adjusted even lower to control the expected time for normal rebalances. Default: 3000 retry_backoff_ms (int): Milliseconds to backoff when retrying on errors. Default: 100. """ self.config = copy.copy(self.DEFAULT_CONFIG) for key in self.config: if key in configs: self.config[key] = configs[key] self._client = client self.generation = OffsetCommitRequest[2].DEFAULT_GENERATION_ID self.member_id = JoinGroupRequest[0].UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID self.group_id = self.config['group_id'] self.coordinator_id = None self.rejoin_needed = True self.rejoining = False self.heartbeat = Heartbeat(**self.config) self.heartbeat_task = HeartbeatTask(weakref.proxy(self)) self.sensors = GroupCoordinatorMetrics(self.heartbeat, metrics, self.config['metric_group_prefix']) def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, 'heartbeat_task') and self.heartbeat_task: self.heartbeat_task.disable() @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def protocol_type(self): """ Unique identifier for the class of protocols implements (e.g. "consumer" or "connect"). Returns: str: protocol type name """ pass
[docs] def group_protocols(self): """Return the list of supported group protocols and metadata. This list is submitted by each group member via a JoinGroupRequest. The order of the protocols in the list indicates the preference of the protocol (the first entry is the most preferred). The coordinator takes this preference into account when selecting the generation protocol (generally more preferred protocols will be selected as long as all members support them and there is no disagreement on the preference). Note: metadata must be type bytes or support an encode() method Returns: list: [(protocol, metadata), ...] """ pass
@abc.abstractmethod def _on_join_prepare(self, generation, member_id): """Invoked prior to each group join or rejoin. This is typically used to perform any cleanup from the previous generation (such as committing offsets for the consumer) Arguments: generation (int): The previous generation or -1 if there was none member_id (str): The identifier of this member in the previous group or '' if there was none """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def _perform_assignment(self, leader_id, protocol, members): """Perform assignment for the group. This is used by the leader to push state to all the members of the group (e.g. to push partition assignments in the case of the new consumer) Arguments: leader_id (str): The id of the leader (which is this member) protocol (str): the chosen group protocol (assignment strategy) members (list): [(member_id, metadata_bytes)] from JoinGroupResponse. metadata_bytes are associated with the chosen group protocol, and the Coordinator subclass is responsible for decoding metadata_bytes based on that protocol. Returns: dict: {member_id: assignment}; assignment must either be bytes or have an encode() method to convert to bytes """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def _on_join_complete(self, generation, member_id, protocol, member_assignment_bytes): """Invoked when a group member has successfully joined a group. Arguments: generation (int): the generation that was joined member_id (str): the identifier for the local member in the group protocol (str): the protocol selected by the coordinator member_assignment_bytes (bytes): the protocol-encoded assignment propagated from the group leader. The Coordinator instance is responsible for decoding based on the chosen protocol. """ pass
[docs] def coordinator_unknown(self): """Check if we know who the coordinator is and have an active connection Side-effect: reset coordinator_id to None if connection failed Returns: bool: True if the coordinator is unknown """ if self.coordinator_id is None: return True if self._client.is_disconnected(self.coordinator_id): self.coordinator_dead() return True return False
[docs] def ensure_coordinator_known(self): """Block until the coordinator for this group is known (and we have an active connection -- java client uses unsent queue). """ while self.coordinator_unknown(): # Prior to 0.8.2 there was no group coordinator # so we will just pick a node at random and treat # it as the "coordinator" if self.config['api_version'] < (0, 8, 2): self.coordinator_id = self._client.least_loaded_node() self._client.ready(self.coordinator_id) continue future = self._send_group_coordinator_request() self._client.poll(future=future) if future.failed(): if isinstance(future.exception, Errors.GroupCoordinatorNotAvailableError): continue elif future.retriable(): metadata_update = self._client.cluster.request_update() self._client.poll(future=metadata_update) else: raise future.exception # pylint: disable-msg=raising-bad-type
[docs] def need_rejoin(self): """Check whether the group should be rejoined (e.g. if metadata changes) Returns: bool: True if it should, False otherwise """ return self.rejoin_needed
[docs] def ensure_active_group(self): """Ensure that the group is active (i.e. joined and synced)""" if not self.need_rejoin(): return if not self.rejoining: self._on_join_prepare(self.generation, self.member_id) self.rejoining = True while self.need_rejoin(): self.ensure_coordinator_known() # ensure that there are no pending requests to the coordinator. # This is important in particular to avoid resending a pending # JoinGroup request. if self._client.in_flight_request_count(self.coordinator_id): while self._client.in_flight_request_count(self.coordinator_id): self._client.poll() continue future = self._send_join_group_request() self._client.poll(future=future) if future.succeeded(): member_assignment_bytes = future.value self._on_join_complete(self.generation, self.member_id, self.protocol, member_assignment_bytes) self.rejoining = False self.heartbeat_task.reset() else: assert future.failed() exception = future.exception if isinstance(exception, (Errors.UnknownMemberIdError, Errors.RebalanceInProgressError, Errors.IllegalGenerationError)): continue elif not future.retriable(): raise exception # pylint: disable-msg=raising-bad-type time.sleep(self.config['retry_backoff_ms'] / 1000)
def _send_join_group_request(self): """Join the group and return the assignment for the next generation. This function handles both JoinGroup and SyncGroup, delegating to _perform_assignment() if elected leader by the coordinator. Returns: Future: resolves to the encoded-bytes assignment returned from the group leader """ if self.coordinator_unknown(): e = Errors.GroupCoordinatorNotAvailableError(self.coordinator_id) return Future().failure(e) # send a join group request to the coordinator"(Re-)joining group %s", self.group_id) request = JoinGroupRequest[0]( self.group_id, self.config['session_timeout_ms'], self.member_id, self.protocol_type(), [(protocol, metadata if isinstance(metadata, bytes) else metadata.encode()) for protocol, metadata in self.group_protocols()]) # create the request for the coordinator log.debug("Sending JoinGroup (%s) to coordinator %s", request, self.coordinator_id) future = Future() _f = self._client.send(self.coordinator_id, request) _f.add_callback(self._handle_join_group_response, future, time.time()) _f.add_errback(self._failed_request, self.coordinator_id, request, future) return future def _failed_request(self, node_id, request, future, error): log.error('Error sending %s to node %s [%s]', request.__class__.__name__, node_id, error) # Marking coordinator dead # unless the error is caused by internal client pipelining if not isinstance(error, (Errors.NodeNotReadyError, Errors.TooManyInFlightRequests)): self.coordinator_dead() future.failure(error) def _handle_join_group_response(self, future, send_time, response): error_type = Errors.for_code(response.error_code) if error_type is Errors.NoError: log.debug("Received successful JoinGroup response for group %s: %s", self.group_id, response) self.member_id = response.member_id self.generation = response.generation_id self.rejoin_needed = False self.protocol = response.group_protocol"Joined group '%s' (generation %s) with member_id %s", self.group_id, self.generation, self.member_id) self.sensors.join_latency.record((time.time() - send_time) * 1000) if response.leader_id == response.member_id:"Elected group leader -- performing partition" " assignments using %s", self.protocol) self._on_join_leader(response).chain(future) else: self._on_join_follower().chain(future) elif error_type is Errors.GroupLoadInProgressError: log.debug("Attempt to join group %s rejected since coordinator %s" " is loading the group.", self.group_id, self.coordinator_id) # backoff and retry future.failure(error_type(response)) elif error_type is Errors.UnknownMemberIdError: # reset the member id and retry immediately error = error_type(self.member_id) self.member_id = JoinGroupRequest[0].UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID log.debug("Attempt to join group %s failed due to unknown member id", self.group_id) future.failure(error) elif error_type in (Errors.GroupCoordinatorNotAvailableError, Errors.NotCoordinatorForGroupError): # re-discover the coordinator and retry with backoff self.coordinator_dead() log.debug("Attempt to join group %s failed due to obsolete " "coordinator information: %s", self.group_id, error_type.__name__) future.failure(error_type()) elif error_type in (Errors.InconsistentGroupProtocolError, Errors.InvalidSessionTimeoutError, Errors.InvalidGroupIdError): # log the error and re-throw the exception error = error_type(response) log.error("Attempt to join group %s failed due to fatal error: %s", self.group_id, error) future.failure(error) elif error_type is Errors.GroupAuthorizationFailedError: future.failure(error_type(self.group_id)) else: # unexpected error, throw the exception error = error_type() log.error("Unexpected error in join group response: %s", error) future.failure(error) def _on_join_follower(self): # send follower's sync group with an empty assignment request = SyncGroupRequest[0]( self.group_id, self.generation, self.member_id, {}) log.debug("Sending follower SyncGroup for group %s to coordinator %s: %s", self.group_id, self.coordinator_id, request) return self._send_sync_group_request(request) def _on_join_leader(self, response): """ Perform leader synchronization and send back the assignment for the group via SyncGroupRequest Arguments: response (JoinResponse): broker response to parse Returns: Future: resolves to member assignment encoded-bytes """ try: group_assignment = self._perform_assignment(response.leader_id, response.group_protocol, response.members) except Exception as e: return Future().failure(e) request = SyncGroupRequest[0]( self.group_id, self.generation, self.member_id, [(member_id, assignment if isinstance(assignment, bytes) else assignment.encode()) for member_id, assignment in six.iteritems(group_assignment)]) log.debug("Sending leader SyncGroup for group %s to coordinator %s: %s", self.group_id, self.coordinator_id, request) return self._send_sync_group_request(request) def _send_sync_group_request(self, request): if self.coordinator_unknown(): e = Errors.GroupCoordinatorNotAvailableError(self.coordinator_id) return Future().failure(e) future = Future() _f = self._client.send(self.coordinator_id, request) _f.add_callback(self._handle_sync_group_response, future, time.time()) _f.add_errback(self._failed_request, self.coordinator_id, request, future) return future def _handle_sync_group_response(self, future, send_time, response): error_type = Errors.for_code(response.error_code) if error_type is Errors.NoError:"Successfully joined group %s with generation %s", self.group_id, self.generation) self.sensors.sync_latency.record((time.time() - send_time) * 1000) future.success(response.member_assignment) return # Always rejoin on error self.rejoin_needed = True if error_type is Errors.GroupAuthorizationFailedError: future.failure(error_type(self.group_id)) elif error_type is Errors.RebalanceInProgressError: log.debug("SyncGroup for group %s failed due to coordinator" " rebalance", self.group_id) future.failure(error_type(self.group_id)) elif error_type in (Errors.UnknownMemberIdError, Errors.IllegalGenerationError): error = error_type() log.debug("SyncGroup for group %s failed due to %s", self.group_id, error) self.member_id = JoinGroupRequest[0].UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID future.failure(error) elif error_type in (Errors.GroupCoordinatorNotAvailableError, Errors.NotCoordinatorForGroupError): error = error_type() log.debug("SyncGroup for group %s failed due to %s", self.group_id, error) self.coordinator_dead() future.failure(error) else: error = error_type() log.error("Unexpected error from SyncGroup: %s", error) future.failure(error) def _send_group_coordinator_request(self): """Discover the current coordinator for the group. Returns: Future: resolves to the node id of the coordinator """ node_id = self._client.least_loaded_node() if node_id is None: return Future().failure(Errors.NoBrokersAvailable()) log.debug("Sending group coordinator request for group %s to broker %s", self.group_id, node_id) request = GroupCoordinatorRequest[0](self.group_id) future = Future() _f = self._client.send(node_id, request) _f.add_callback(self._handle_group_coordinator_response, future) _f.add_errback(self._failed_request, node_id, request, future) return future def _handle_group_coordinator_response(self, future, response): log.debug("Received group coordinator response %s", response) if not self.coordinator_unknown(): # We already found the coordinator, so ignore the request log.debug("Coordinator already known -- ignoring metadata response") future.success(self.coordinator_id) return error_type = Errors.for_code(response.error_code) if error_type is Errors.NoError: ok = self._client.cluster.add_group_coordinator(self.group_id, response) if not ok: # This could happen if coordinator metadata is different # than broker metadata future.failure(Errors.IllegalStateError()) return self.coordinator_id = response.coordinator_id"Discovered coordinator %s for group %s", self.coordinator_id, self.group_id) self._client.ready(self.coordinator_id) # start sending heartbeats only if we have a valid generation if self.generation > 0: self.heartbeat_task.reset() future.success(self.coordinator_id) elif error_type is Errors.GroupCoordinatorNotAvailableError: log.debug("Group Coordinator Not Available; retry") future.failure(error_type()) elif error_type is Errors.GroupAuthorizationFailedError: error = error_type(self.group_id) log.error("Group Coordinator Request failed: %s", error) future.failure(error) else: error = error_type() log.error("Unrecognized failure in Group Coordinator Request: %s", error) future.failure(error)
[docs] def coordinator_dead(self, error=None): """Mark the current coordinator as dead.""" if self.coordinator_id is not None: log.warning("Marking the coordinator dead (node %s) for group %s: %s.", self.coordinator_id, self.group_id, error) self.coordinator_id = None
[docs] def close(self): """Close the coordinator, leave the current group and reset local generation/memberId.""" try: self._client.unschedule(self.heartbeat_task) except KeyError: pass if not self.coordinator_unknown() and self.generation > 0: # this is a minimal effort attempt to leave the group. we do not # attempt any resending if the request fails or times out. request = LeaveGroupRequest[0](self.group_id, self.member_id) future = self._client.send(self.coordinator_id, request) future.add_callback(self._handle_leave_group_response) future.add_errback(log.error, "LeaveGroup request failed: %s") self._client.poll(future=future) self.generation = OffsetCommitRequest[2].DEFAULT_GENERATION_ID self.member_id = JoinGroupRequest[0].UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID self.rejoin_needed = True
def _handle_leave_group_response(self, response): error_type = Errors.for_code(response.error_code) if error_type is Errors.NoError:"LeaveGroup request succeeded") else: log.error("LeaveGroup request failed: %s", error_type()) def _send_heartbeat_request(self): """Send a heartbeat request""" request = HeartbeatRequest[0](self.group_id, self.generation, self.member_id) log.debug("Heartbeat: %s[%s] %s",, request.generation_id, request.member_id) #pylint: disable-msg=no-member future = Future() _f = self._client.send(self.coordinator_id, request) _f.add_callback(self._handle_heartbeat_response, future, time.time()) _f.add_errback(self._failed_request, self.coordinator_id, request, future) return future def _handle_heartbeat_response(self, future, send_time, response): self.sensors.heartbeat_latency.record((time.time() - send_time) * 1000) error_type = Errors.for_code(response.error_code) if error_type is Errors.NoError: log.debug("Received successful heartbeat response for group %s", self.group_id) future.success(None) elif error_type in (Errors.GroupCoordinatorNotAvailableError, Errors.NotCoordinatorForGroupError): log.warning("Heartbeat failed for group %s: coordinator (node %s)" " is either not started or not valid", self.group_id, self.coordinator_id) self.coordinator_dead() future.failure(error_type()) elif error_type is Errors.RebalanceInProgressError: log.warning("Heartbeat failed for group %s because it is" " rebalancing", self.group_id) self.rejoin_needed = True future.failure(error_type()) elif error_type is Errors.IllegalGenerationError: log.warning("Heartbeat failed for group %s: generation id is not " " current.", self.group_id) self.rejoin_needed = True future.failure(error_type()) elif error_type is Errors.UnknownMemberIdError: log.warning("Heartbeat: local member_id was not recognized;" " this consumer needs to re-join") self.member_id = JoinGroupRequest[0].UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID self.rejoin_needed = True future.failure(error_type) elif error_type is Errors.GroupAuthorizationFailedError: error = error_type(self.group_id) log.error("Heartbeat failed: authorization error: %s", error) future.failure(error) else: error = error_type() log.error("Heartbeat failed: Unhandled error: %s", error) future.failure(error)
[docs]class HeartbeatTask(object): def __init__(self, coordinator): self._coordinator = coordinator self._heartbeat = coordinator.heartbeat self._client = coordinator._client self._request_in_flight = False
[docs] def disable(self): try: self._client.unschedule(self) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def reset(self): # start or restart the heartbeat task to be executed at the next chance self._heartbeat.reset_session_timeout() try: self._client.unschedule(self) except KeyError: pass if not self._request_in_flight: self._client.schedule(self, time.time())
def __call__(self): if (self._coordinator.generation < 0 or self._coordinator.need_rejoin()): # no need to send the heartbeat we're not using auto-assignment # or if we are awaiting a rebalance"Skipping heartbeat: no auto-assignment" " or waiting on rebalance") return if self._coordinator.coordinator_unknown(): log.warning("Coordinator unknown during heartbeat -- will retry") self._handle_heartbeat_failure(Errors.GroupCoordinatorNotAvailableError()) return if self._heartbeat.session_expired(): # we haven't received a successful heartbeat in one session interval # so mark the coordinator dead log.error("Heartbeat session expired - marking coordinator dead") self._coordinator.coordinator_dead() return if not self._heartbeat.should_heartbeat(): # we don't need to heartbeat now, so reschedule for when we do ttl = self._heartbeat.ttl() log.debug("Heartbeat task unneeded now, retrying in %s", ttl) self._client.schedule(self, time.time() + ttl) else: self._heartbeat.sent_heartbeat() self._request_in_flight = True future = self._coordinator._send_heartbeat_request() future.add_callback(self._handle_heartbeat_success) future.add_errback(self._handle_heartbeat_failure) def _handle_heartbeat_success(self, v): log.debug("Received successful heartbeat") self._request_in_flight = False self._heartbeat.received_heartbeat() ttl = self._heartbeat.ttl() self._client.schedule(self, time.time() + ttl) def _handle_heartbeat_failure(self, e): log.warning("Heartbeat failed (%s); retrying", e) self._request_in_flight = False etd = time.time() + self._coordinator.config['retry_backoff_ms'] / 1000 self._client.schedule(self, etd)
[docs]class GroupCoordinatorMetrics(object): def __init__(self, heartbeat, metrics, prefix, tags=None): self.heartbeat = heartbeat self.metrics = metrics self.metric_group_name = prefix + "-coordinator-metrics" self.heartbeat_latency = metrics.sensor('heartbeat-latency') self.heartbeat_latency.add(metrics.metric_name( 'heartbeat-response-time-max', self.metric_group_name, 'The max time taken to receive a response to a heartbeat request', tags), Max()) self.heartbeat_latency.add(metrics.metric_name( 'heartbeat-rate', self.metric_group_name, 'The average number of heartbeats per second', tags), Rate(sampled_stat=Count())) self.join_latency = metrics.sensor('join-latency') self.join_latency.add(metrics.metric_name( 'join-time-avg', self.metric_group_name, 'The average time taken for a group rejoin', tags), Avg()) self.join_latency.add(metrics.metric_name( 'join-time-max', self.metric_group_name, 'The max time taken for a group rejoin', tags), Avg()) self.join_latency.add(metrics.metric_name( 'join-rate', self.metric_group_name, 'The number of group joins per second', tags), Rate(sampled_stat=Count())) self.sync_latency = metrics.sensor('sync-latency') self.sync_latency.add(metrics.metric_name( 'sync-time-avg', self.metric_group_name, 'The average time taken for a group sync', tags), Avg()) self.sync_latency.add(metrics.metric_name( 'sync-time-max', self.metric_group_name, 'The max time taken for a group sync', tags), Avg()) self.sync_latency.add(metrics.metric_name( 'sync-rate', self.metric_group_name, 'The number of group syncs per second', tags), Rate(sampled_stat=Count())) metrics.add_metric(metrics.metric_name( 'last-heartbeat-seconds-ago', self.metric_group_name, 'The number of seconds since the last controller heartbeat', tags), AnonMeasurable( lambda _, now: (now / 1000) - self.heartbeat.last_send))