Source code for kafka.consumer.simple

from __future__ import absolute_import

    from itertools import zip_longest as izip_longest, repeat  # pylint: disable=E0611
except ImportError:
    from itertools import izip_longest as izip_longest, repeat  # pylint: disable=E0611
import logging
import sys
import time
import warnings

from kafka.vendor import six
from kafka.vendor.six.moves import queue # pylint: disable=import-error

from .base import (
from ..common import (
    FetchRequestPayload, KafkaError, OffsetRequestPayload,
    UnknownTopicOrPartitionError, NotLeaderForPartitionError,
    OffsetOutOfRangeError, FailedPayloadsError, check_error
from kafka.protocol.message import PartialMessage

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FetchContext(object): """ Class for managing the state of a consumer during fetch """ def __init__(self, consumer, block, timeout): warnings.warn('deprecated - this class will be removed in a future' ' release', DeprecationWarning) self.consumer = consumer self.block = block if block: if not timeout: timeout = FETCH_DEFAULT_BLOCK_TIMEOUT self.timeout = timeout * 1000
[docs] def __enter__(self): """Set fetch values based on blocking status""" self.orig_fetch_max_wait_time = self.consumer.fetch_max_wait_time self.orig_fetch_min_bytes = self.consumer.fetch_min_bytes if self.block: self.consumer.fetch_max_wait_time = self.timeout self.consumer.fetch_min_bytes = 1 else: self.consumer.fetch_min_bytes = 0
[docs] def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """Reset values""" self.consumer.fetch_max_wait_time = self.orig_fetch_max_wait_time self.consumer.fetch_min_bytes = self.orig_fetch_min_bytes
[docs]class SimpleConsumer(Consumer): """ A simple consumer implementation that consumes all/specified partitions for a topic Arguments: client: a connected SimpleClient group: a name for this consumer, used for offset storage and must be unique If you are connecting to a server that does not support offset commit/fetch (any prior to, then you *must* set this to None topic: the topic to consume Keyword Arguments: partitions: An optional list of partitions to consume the data from auto_commit: default True. Whether or not to auto commit the offsets auto_commit_every_n: default 100. How many messages to consume before a commit auto_commit_every_t: default 5000. How much time (in milliseconds) to wait before commit fetch_size_bytes: number of bytes to request in a FetchRequest buffer_size: default 4K. Initial number of bytes to tell kafka we have available. This will double as needed. max_buffer_size: default 16K. Max number of bytes to tell kafka we have available. None means no limit. iter_timeout: default None. How much time (in seconds) to wait for a message in the iterator before exiting. None means no timeout, so it will wait forever. auto_offset_reset: default largest. Reset partition offsets upon OffsetOutOfRangeError. Valid values are largest and smallest. Otherwise, do not reset the offsets and raise OffsetOutOfRangeError. Auto commit details: If both auto_commit_every_n and auto_commit_every_t are set, they will reset one another when one is triggered. These triggers simply call the commit method on this class. A manual call to commit will also reset these triggers """ def __init__(self, client, group, topic, auto_commit=True, partitions=None, auto_commit_every_n=AUTO_COMMIT_MSG_COUNT, auto_commit_every_t=AUTO_COMMIT_INTERVAL, fetch_size_bytes=FETCH_MIN_BYTES, buffer_size=FETCH_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES, max_buffer_size=MAX_FETCH_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES, iter_timeout=None, auto_offset_reset='largest'): warnings.warn('deprecated - this class will be removed in a future' ' release. Use KafkaConsumer instead.', DeprecationWarning) super(SimpleConsumer, self).__init__( client, group, topic, partitions=partitions, auto_commit=auto_commit, auto_commit_every_n=auto_commit_every_n, auto_commit_every_t=auto_commit_every_t) if max_buffer_size is not None and buffer_size > max_buffer_size: raise ValueError('buffer_size (%d) is greater than ' 'max_buffer_size (%d)' % (buffer_size, max_buffer_size)) self.buffer_size = buffer_size self.max_buffer_size = max_buffer_size self.fetch_max_wait_time = FETCH_MAX_WAIT_TIME self.fetch_min_bytes = fetch_size_bytes self.fetch_offsets = self.offsets.copy() self.iter_timeout = iter_timeout self.auto_offset_reset = auto_offset_reset self.queue = queue.Queue() def __repr__(self): return '<SimpleConsumer group=%s, topic=%s, partitions=%s>' % \ (, self.topic, str(self.offsets.keys()))
[docs] def reset_partition_offset(self, partition): """Update offsets using auto_offset_reset policy (smallest|largest) Arguments: partition (int): the partition for which offsets should be updated Returns: Updated offset on success, None on failure """ LATEST = -1 EARLIEST = -2 if self.auto_offset_reset == 'largest': reqs = [OffsetRequestPayload(self.topic, partition, LATEST, 1)] elif self.auto_offset_reset == 'smallest': reqs = [OffsetRequestPayload(self.topic, partition, EARLIEST, 1)] else: # Let's raise an reasonable exception type if user calls # outside of an exception context if sys.exc_info() == (None, None, None): raise OffsetOutOfRangeError('Cannot reset partition offsets without a ' 'valid auto_offset_reset setting ' '(largest|smallest)') # Otherwise we should re-raise the upstream exception # b/c it typically includes additional data about # the request that triggered it, and we do not want to drop that raise # pylint: disable=E0704 # send_offset_request'Resetting topic-partition offset to %s for %s:%d', self.auto_offset_reset, self.topic, partition) try: (resp, ) = self.client.send_offset_request(reqs) except KafkaError as e: log.error('%s sending offset request for %s:%d', e.__class__.__name__, self.topic, partition) else: self.offsets[partition] = resp.offsets[0] self.fetch_offsets[partition] = resp.offsets[0] return resp.offsets[0]
[docs] def seek(self, offset, whence=None, partition=None): """ Alter the current offset in the consumer, similar to fseek Arguments: offset: how much to modify the offset whence: where to modify it from, default is None * None is an absolute offset * 0 is relative to the earliest available offset (head) * 1 is relative to the current offset * 2 is relative to the latest known offset (tail) partition: modify which partition, default is None. If partition is None, would modify all partitions. """ if whence is None: # set an absolute offset if partition is None: for tmp_partition in self.offsets: self.offsets[tmp_partition] = offset else: self.offsets[partition] = offset elif whence == 1: # relative to current position if partition is None: for tmp_partition, _offset in self.offsets.items(): self.offsets[tmp_partition] = _offset + offset else: self.offsets[partition] += offset elif whence in (0, 2): # relative to beginning or end reqs = [] deltas = {} if partition is None: # divide the request offset by number of partitions, # distribute the remained evenly (delta, rem) = divmod(offset, len(self.offsets)) for tmp_partition, r in izip_longest(self.offsets.keys(), repeat(1, rem), fillvalue=0): deltas[tmp_partition] = delta + r for tmp_partition in self.offsets.keys(): if whence == 0: reqs.append(OffsetRequestPayload(self.topic, tmp_partition, -2, 1)) elif whence == 2: reqs.append(OffsetRequestPayload(self.topic, tmp_partition, -1, 1)) else: pass else: deltas[partition] = offset if whence == 0: reqs.append(OffsetRequestPayload(self.topic, partition, -2, 1)) elif whence == 2: reqs.append(OffsetRequestPayload(self.topic, partition, -1, 1)) else: pass resps = self.client.send_offset_request(reqs) for resp in resps: self.offsets[resp.partition] = \ resp.offsets[0] + deltas[resp.partition] else: raise ValueError('Unexpected value for `whence`, %d' % whence) # Reset queue and fetch offsets since they are invalid self.fetch_offsets = self.offsets.copy() self.count_since_commit += 1 if self.auto_commit: self.commit() self.queue = queue.Queue()
[docs] def get_messages(self, count=1, block=True, timeout=0.1): """ Fetch the specified number of messages Keyword Arguments: count: Indicates the maximum number of messages to be fetched block: If True, the API will block till all messages are fetched. If block is a positive integer the API will block until that many messages are fetched. timeout: When blocking is requested the function will block for the specified time (in seconds) until count messages is fetched. If None, it will block forever. """ messages = [] if timeout is not None: timeout += time.time() new_offsets = {} log.debug('getting %d messages', count) while len(messages) < count: block_time = timeout - time.time() log.debug('calling _get_message block=%s timeout=%s', block, block_time) block_next_call = block is True or block > len(messages) result = self._get_message(block_next_call, block_time, get_partition_info=True, update_offset=False) log.debug('got %s from _get_messages', result) if not result: if block_next_call and (timeout is None or time.time() <= timeout): continue break partition, message = result _msg = (partition, message) if self.partition_info else message messages.append(_msg) new_offsets[partition] = message.offset + 1 # Update and commit offsets if necessary self.offsets.update(new_offsets) self.count_since_commit += len(messages) self._auto_commit() log.debug('got %d messages: %s', len(messages), messages) return messages
[docs] def get_message(self, block=True, timeout=0.1, get_partition_info=None): return self._get_message(block, timeout, get_partition_info)
def _get_message(self, block=True, timeout=0.1, get_partition_info=None, update_offset=True): """ If no messages can be fetched, returns None. If get_partition_info is None, it defaults to self.partition_info If get_partition_info is True, returns (partition, message) If get_partition_info is False, returns message """ start_at = time.time() while self.queue.empty(): # We're out of messages, go grab some more. log.debug('internal queue empty, fetching more messages') with FetchContext(self, block, timeout): self._fetch() if not block or time.time() > (start_at + timeout): break try: partition, message = self.queue.get_nowait() if update_offset: # Update partition offset self.offsets[partition] = message.offset + 1 # Count, check and commit messages if necessary self.count_since_commit += 1 self._auto_commit() if get_partition_info is None: get_partition_info = self.partition_info if get_partition_info: return partition, message else: return message except queue.Empty: log.debug('internal queue empty after fetch - returning None') return None def __iter__(self): if self.iter_timeout is None: timeout = ITER_TIMEOUT_SECONDS else: timeout = self.iter_timeout while True: message = self.get_message(True, timeout) if message: yield message elif self.iter_timeout is None: # We did not receive any message yet but we don't have a # timeout, so give up the CPU for a while before trying again time.sleep(NO_MESSAGES_WAIT_TIME_SECONDS) else: # Timed out waiting for a message break def _fetch(self): # Create fetch request payloads for all the partitions partitions = dict((p, self.buffer_size) for p in self.fetch_offsets.keys()) while partitions: requests = [] for partition, buffer_size in six.iteritems(partitions): requests.append(FetchRequestPayload(self.topic, partition, self.fetch_offsets[partition], buffer_size)) # Send request responses = self.client.send_fetch_request( requests, max_wait_time=int(self.fetch_max_wait_time), min_bytes=self.fetch_min_bytes, fail_on_error=False ) retry_partitions = {} for resp in responses: try: check_error(resp) except UnknownTopicOrPartitionError: log.error('UnknownTopicOrPartitionError for %s:%d', resp.topic, resp.partition) self.client.reset_topic_metadata(resp.topic) raise except NotLeaderForPartitionError: log.error('NotLeaderForPartitionError for %s:%d', resp.topic, resp.partition) self.client.reset_topic_metadata(resp.topic) continue except OffsetOutOfRangeError: log.warning('OffsetOutOfRangeError for %s:%d. ' 'Resetting partition offset...', resp.topic, resp.partition) self.reset_partition_offset(resp.partition) # Retry this partition retry_partitions[resp.partition] = partitions[resp.partition] continue except FailedPayloadsError as e: log.warning('FailedPayloadsError for %s:%d', e.payload.topic, e.payload.partition) # Retry this partition retry_partitions[e.payload.partition] = partitions[e.payload.partition] continue partition = resp.partition buffer_size = partitions[partition] # Check for partial message if resp.messages and isinstance(resp.messages[-1].message, PartialMessage): # If buffer is at max and all we got was a partial message # raise ConsumerFetchSizeTooSmall if (self.max_buffer_size is not None and buffer_size == self.max_buffer_size and len(resp.messages) == 1): log.error('Max fetch size %d too small', self.max_buffer_size) raise ConsumerFetchSizeTooSmall() if self.max_buffer_size is None: buffer_size *= 2 else: buffer_size = min(buffer_size * 2, self.max_buffer_size) log.warning('Fetch size too small, increase to %d (2x) ' 'and retry', buffer_size) retry_partitions[partition] = buffer_size resp.messages.pop() for message in resp.messages: if message.offset < self.fetch_offsets[partition]: log.debug('Skipping message %s because its offset is less than the consumer offset', message) continue # Put the message in our queue self.queue.put((partition, message)) self.fetch_offsets[partition] = message.offset + 1 partitions = retry_partitions