Source code for kafka.protocol.message

from __future__ import absolute_import

import io
import time

from ..codec import (has_gzip, has_snappy, has_lz4,
                     gzip_decode, snappy_decode,
                     lz4_decode, lz4_decode_old_kafka)
from . import pickle
from .struct import Struct
from .types import (
    Int8, Int32, Int64, Bytes, Schema, AbstractType
from ..util import crc32

[docs]class Message(Struct): SCHEMAS = [ Schema( ('crc', Int32), ('magic', Int8), ('attributes', Int8), ('key', Bytes), ('value', Bytes)), Schema( ('crc', Int32), ('magic', Int8), ('attributes', Int8), ('timestamp', Int64), ('key', Bytes), ('value', Bytes)), ] SCHEMA = SCHEMAS[1] CODEC_MASK = 0x07 CODEC_GZIP = 0x01 CODEC_SNAPPY = 0x02 CODEC_LZ4 = 0x03 TIMESTAMP_TYPE_MASK = 0x08 HEADER_SIZE = 22 # crc(4), magic(1), attributes(1), timestamp(8), key+value size(4*2) def __init__(self, value, key=None, magic=0, attributes=0, crc=0, timestamp=None): assert value is None or isinstance(value, bytes), 'value must be bytes' assert key is None or isinstance(key, bytes), 'key must be bytes' assert magic > 0 or timestamp is None, 'timestamp not supported in v0' # Default timestamp to now for v1 messages if magic > 0 and timestamp is None: timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000) self.timestamp = timestamp self.crc = crc self.magic = magic self.attributes = attributes self.key = key self.value = value self.encode = self._encode_self @property def timestamp_type(self): """0 for CreateTime; 1 for LogAppendTime; None if unsupported. Value is determined by broker; produced messages should always set to 0 Requires Kafka >= 0.10 / message version >= 1 """ if self.magic == 0: return None elif self.attributes & self.TIMESTAMP_TYPE_MASK: return 1 else: return 0 def _encode_self(self, recalc_crc=True): version = self.magic if version == 1: fields = (self.crc, self.magic, self.attributes, self.timestamp, self.key, self.value) elif version == 0: fields = (self.crc, self.magic, self.attributes, self.key, self.value) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized message version: %s' % version) message = Message.SCHEMAS[version].encode(fields) if not recalc_crc: return message self.crc = crc32(message[4:]) crc_field = self.SCHEMAS[version].fields[0] return crc_field.encode(self.crc) + message[4:] @classmethod
[docs] def decode(cls, data): if isinstance(data, bytes): data = io.BytesIO(data) # Partial decode required to determine message version base_fields = cls.SCHEMAS[0].fields[0:3] crc, magic, attributes = [field.decode(data) for field in base_fields] remaining = cls.SCHEMAS[magic].fields[3:] fields = [field.decode(data) for field in remaining] if magic == 1: timestamp = fields[0] else: timestamp = None return cls(fields[-1], key=fields[-2], magic=magic, attributes=attributes, crc=crc, timestamp=timestamp)
[docs] def validate_crc(self): raw_msg = self._encode_self(recalc_crc=False) crc = crc32(raw_msg[4:]) if crc == self.crc: return True return False
[docs] def is_compressed(self): return self.attributes & self.CODEC_MASK != 0
[docs] def decompress(self): codec = self.attributes & self.CODEC_MASK assert codec in (self.CODEC_GZIP, self.CODEC_SNAPPY, self.CODEC_LZ4) if codec == self.CODEC_GZIP: assert has_gzip(), 'Gzip decompression unsupported' raw_bytes = gzip_decode(self.value) elif codec == self.CODEC_SNAPPY: assert has_snappy(), 'Snappy decompression unsupported' raw_bytes = snappy_decode(self.value) elif codec == self.CODEC_LZ4: assert has_lz4(), 'LZ4 decompression unsupported' if self.magic == 0: raw_bytes = lz4_decode_old_kafka(self.value) else: raw_bytes = lz4_decode(self.value) else: raise Exception('This should be impossible') return MessageSet.decode(raw_bytes, bytes_to_read=len(raw_bytes))
def __hash__(self): return hash(self._encode_self(recalc_crc=False))
[docs]class PartialMessage(bytes): def __repr__(self): return 'PartialMessage(%s)' % self
[docs]class MessageSet(AbstractType): ITEM = Schema( ('offset', Int64), ('message', Bytes) ) HEADER_SIZE = 12 # offset + message_size @classmethod
[docs] def encode(cls, items): # RecordAccumulator encodes messagesets internally if isinstance(items, io.BytesIO): size = Int32.decode(items) # rewind and return all the bytes, 1) return + 4) encoded_values = [] for (offset, message) in items: encoded_values.append(Int64.encode(offset)) encoded_values.append(Bytes.encode(message)) encoded = b''.join(encoded_values) return Bytes.encode(encoded)
[docs] def decode(cls, data, bytes_to_read=None): """Compressed messages should pass in bytes_to_read (via message size) otherwise, we decode from data as Int32 """ if isinstance(data, bytes): data = io.BytesIO(data) if bytes_to_read is None: bytes_to_read = Int32.decode(data) # if FetchRequest max_bytes is smaller than the available message set # the server returns partial data for the final message # So create an internal buffer to avoid over-reading raw = io.BytesIO( items = [] while bytes_to_read: try: offset = Int64.decode(raw) msg_bytes = Bytes.decode(raw) bytes_to_read -= 8 + 4 + len(msg_bytes) items.append((offset, len(msg_bytes), Message.decode(msg_bytes))) except ValueError: # PartialMessage to signal that max_bytes may be too small items.append((None, None, PartialMessage())) break return items
[docs] def repr(cls, messages): if isinstance(messages, io.BytesIO): offset = messages.tell() decoded = cls.decode(messages) messages = decoded return str([cls.ITEM.repr(m) for m in messages])