Source code for kafka.protocol.fetch

from __future__ import absolute_import

from kafka.protocol.api import Request, Response
from kafka.protocol.types import Array, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Schema, String, Bytes

[docs]class FetchResponse_v0(Response): API_KEY = 1 API_VERSION = 0 SCHEMA = Schema( ('topics', Array( ('topics', String('utf-8')), ('partitions', Array( ('partition', Int32), ('error_code', Int16), ('highwater_offset', Int64), ('message_set', Bytes))))) )
[docs]class FetchResponse_v1(Response): API_KEY = 1 API_VERSION = 1 SCHEMA = Schema( ('throttle_time_ms', Int32), ('topics', Array( ('topics', String('utf-8')), ('partitions', Array( ('partition', Int32), ('error_code', Int16), ('highwater_offset', Int64), ('message_set', Bytes))))) )
[docs]class FetchResponse_v2(Response): API_KEY = 1 API_VERSION = 2 SCHEMA = FetchResponse_v1.SCHEMA # message format changed internally
[docs]class FetchResponse_v3(Response): API_KEY = 1 API_VERSION = 3 SCHEMA = FetchResponse_v2.SCHEMA
[docs]class FetchResponse_v4(Response): API_KEY = 1 API_VERSION = 4 SCHEMA = Schema( ('throttle_time_ms', Int32), ('topics', Array( ('topics', String('utf-8')), ('partitions', Array( ('partition', Int32), ('error_code', Int16), ('highwater_offset', Int64), ('last_stable_offset', Int64), ('aborted_transactions', Array( ('producer_id', Int64), ('first_offset', Int64))), ('message_set', Bytes))))) )
[docs]class FetchResponse_v5(Response): API_KEY = 1 API_VERSION = 5 SCHEMA = Schema( ('throttle_time_ms', Int32), ('topics', Array( ('topics', String('utf-8')), ('partitions', Array( ('partition', Int32), ('error_code', Int16), ('highwater_offset', Int64), ('last_stable_offset', Int64), ('log_start_offset', Int64), ('aborted_transactions', Array( ('producer_id', Int64), ('first_offset', Int64))), ('message_set', Bytes))))) )
[docs]class FetchResponse_v6(Response): """ Same as FetchResponse_v5. The version number is bumped up to indicate that the client supports KafkaStorageException. The KafkaStorageException will be translated to NotLeaderForPartitionException in the response if version <= 5 """ API_KEY = 1 API_VERSION = 6 SCHEMA = FetchResponse_v5.SCHEMA
[docs]class FetchRequest_v0(Request): API_KEY = 1 API_VERSION = 0 RESPONSE_TYPE = FetchResponse_v0 SCHEMA = Schema( ('replica_id', Int32), ('max_wait_time', Int32), ('min_bytes', Int32), ('topics', Array( ('topic', String('utf-8')), ('partitions', Array( ('partition', Int32), ('offset', Int64), ('max_bytes', Int32))))) )
[docs]class FetchRequest_v1(Request): API_KEY = 1 API_VERSION = 1 RESPONSE_TYPE = FetchResponse_v1 SCHEMA = FetchRequest_v0.SCHEMA
[docs]class FetchRequest_v2(Request): API_KEY = 1 API_VERSION = 2 RESPONSE_TYPE = FetchResponse_v2 SCHEMA = FetchRequest_v1.SCHEMA
[docs]class FetchRequest_v3(Request): API_KEY = 1 API_VERSION = 3 RESPONSE_TYPE = FetchResponse_v3 SCHEMA = Schema( ('replica_id', Int32), ('max_wait_time', Int32), ('min_bytes', Int32), ('max_bytes', Int32), # This new field is only difference from FR_v2 ('topics', Array( ('topic', String('utf-8')), ('partitions', Array( ('partition', Int32), ('offset', Int64), ('max_bytes', Int32))))) )
[docs]class FetchRequest_v4(Request): # Adds isolation_level field API_KEY = 1 API_VERSION = 4 RESPONSE_TYPE = FetchResponse_v4 SCHEMA = Schema( ('replica_id', Int32), ('max_wait_time', Int32), ('min_bytes', Int32), ('max_bytes', Int32), ('isolation_level', Int8), ('topics', Array( ('topic', String('utf-8')), ('partitions', Array( ('partition', Int32), ('offset', Int64), ('max_bytes', Int32))))) )
[docs]class FetchRequest_v5(Request): # This may only be used in broker-broker api calls API_KEY = 1 API_VERSION = 5 RESPONSE_TYPE = FetchResponse_v5 SCHEMA = Schema( ('replica_id', Int32), ('max_wait_time', Int32), ('min_bytes', Int32), ('max_bytes', Int32), ('isolation_level', Int8), ('topics', Array( ('topic', String('utf-8')), ('partitions', Array( ('partition', Int32), ('fetch_offset', Int64), ('log_start_offset', Int64), ('max_bytes', Int32))))) )
[docs]class FetchRequest_v6(Request): """ The body of FETCH_REQUEST_V6 is the same as FETCH_REQUEST_V5. The version number is bumped up to indicate that the client supports KafkaStorageException. The KafkaStorageException will be translated to NotLeaderForPartitionException in the response if version <= 5 """ API_KEY = 1 API_VERSION = 6 RESPONSE_TYPE = FetchResponse_v6 SCHEMA = FetchRequest_v5.SCHEMA
FetchRequest = [ FetchRequest_v0, FetchRequest_v1, FetchRequest_v2, FetchRequest_v3, FetchRequest_v4, FetchRequest_v5, FetchRequest_v6 ] FetchResponse = [ FetchResponse_v0, FetchResponse_v1, FetchResponse_v2, FetchResponse_v3, FetchResponse_v4, FetchResponse_v5, FetchResponse_v6 ]