
https://coveralls.io/repos/dpkp/kafka-python/badge.svg?branch=master&service=github https://travis-ci.org/dpkp/kafka-python.svg?branch=master

Test environments are managed via tox. The test suite is run via pytest.

Linting is run via pylint, but is generally skipped on pypy due to pylint compatibility / performance issues.

For test coverage details, see https://coveralls.io/github/dpkp/kafka-python

The test suite includes unit tests that mock network interfaces, as well as integration tests that setup and teardown kafka broker (and zookeeper) fixtures for client / consumer / producer testing.

Unit tests

To run the tests locally, install tox:

pip install tox

For more details, see https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html

Then simply run tox, optionally setting the python environment. If unset, tox will loop through all environments.

tox -e py27
tox -e py35

# run protocol tests only
tox -- -v test.test_protocol

# re-run the last failing test, dropping into pdb
tox -e py27 -- --lf --pdb

# see available (pytest) options
tox -e py27 -- --help

Integration tests

KAFKA_VERSION= tox -e py27
KAFKA_VERSION=1.0.1 tox -e py36

Integration tests start Kafka and Zookeeper fixtures. This requires downloading kafka server binaries:


By default, this will install the broker versions listed in build_integration.sh’s ALL_RELEASES into the servers/ directory. To install a specific version, set the KAFKA_VERSION variable:

KAFKA_VERSION=1.0.1 ./build_integration.sh

Then to run the tests against a specific Kafka version, simply set the KAFKA_VERSION env variable to the server build you want to use for testing:

KAFKA_VERSION=1.0.1 tox -e py36

To test against the kafka source tree, set KAFKA_VERSION=trunk [optionally set SCALA_VERSION (defaults to the value set in build_integration.sh)]

SCALA_VERSION=2.12 KAFKA_VERSION=trunk ./build_integration.sh
KAFKA_VERSION=trunk tox -e py36